Parametric process (optics)

A parametric process is an optical process in which light interacts with matter in such a way as to leave the quantum state of the material unchanged. As a direct consequence of this there can be no transfer of energy, momentum, or angular momentum between the optical field and the physical system. In contrast a non-parametric process is a process in which any part of the quantum state of the system changes.[1]


Temporal characteristics

Since a parametric process prohibits a change in the energy state of the system, parametric processes are considered to be 'instantaneous' processes. This can be seen as follows; if an atom absorbs a photon with energy E, the atom's energy will increase by ΔE = E. Since we are assuming this is a parametric process, the quantum state cannot change and thus this energy state must be a Virtual state. By the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle we know that ΔEΔt~ħ, thus the lifetime of a parametric process is roughly Δt~ħ/ΔE, which is appreciably small for any non-zero ΔE. [1]

Parametric versus non-parametric processes

Linear optics

In a linear optical system the dielectric polarization, P, responds linearly to the presence of an electric field, E, and thus we can write

{\mathbf P} = \varepsilon_0\chi{\mathbf E} = (n_r%2Bin_i)^2{\mathbf E},

where ε0 is the electric constant, χ is the (complex) electric susceptibility, and nr(ni) is the real(imaginary) component of the refractive index of the medium. The effects of a parametric process will effect only nr, whereas a nonzero value of ni can only be caused by a non-parametric process.

Thus in linear optics a parametric process will act as a lossless dielectric with the following effects:

Alternatively, non-parametric processes often involve loss (or gain) and give rise to:

Nonlinear optics

In a nonlinear media, the dielectric polarization P responds nonlinearly to the electric field E of the light. As a parametric process is in general coherent, many parametric nonlinear processes will depend on phase matching and will usually be polarization dependent.

Sample parametric nonlinear processes:

Sample non-parametric nonlinear processes:

See also


  1. ^ a b See Section Parametric versus Nonparametric Processes, Nonlinear Optics by Robert W. Boyd (3rd ed.), pp. 13-15.
